Sri Lanka’s Dr. Punchi
Banda Jayasundera had now become a ‘Terminator’ in island nation’s
‘Controversial Deals’, investors at Colombo Stock Exchange told CSE Leaks.

Dr.Jayasundera this time said the finance ministry will
issue a circular to set up investment committees at state entities to make
equity purchases through a defined process with exposure limits, after terminating the 'Controversial NSB-TFC Deal'
"A new circular on investment committees will
be issued," Jayasundera told reporters after releasing the finance
ministry's annual report recently on Thursday the 24th May 2012.
Jayasundera had said that there will be a process
where the committee will be protected from interference. His comments came
after the sale of stock in The Finance Company PLC (TFC) whose liabilities
exceed its assets by Rs. 3.7 billion by December 2011 at over 65% above market
price to state-run National Savings Bank (NSB).
Meanwhile ‘Controversial Deal Terminator’ Dr. Punchi
Banda Jayasundera had said that said there was no interference by ruling
politicians on this matter and that NSB had halted the deal after Jayasundera
“Jayasundera had said he had told the board of NSB
to stick to the bank's core business while a committee had been appointed to
investigate the deal”
In Sri Lanka resignations over financial scandals
are rare according to general public comments. And people opine that the
country does not have an independent civil service to ensure rule of law or
justice as the institution of permanent secretary was broken by successive
constitutions in 1972 and 1978 paving the way to arbitrary rule.
However Dr. Punchi Banda had highlighted that there
were Treasury nominees in many state entities but they did not necessarily have
expertise in stock purchases.
"There are people who know better in these
institutions. Also government entities have to depend on market participants to
make investments," he had said to reporters adding that "If there is
a defined process it will protect everyone. These institutions also have to set
exposure limits."
Dr. Punchi Banda Jayasundera had said there was a
justification for long term contractual savings institutions, including the EPF
to invest in stocks and that some state entities had also rushed into stock
when interest rates fell to improve returns.
However after Dr. Punchi Banda Jayasundera
intervened to ‘Terminate’ Controversial ‘NSB-TFC Deal’ according to him all
except one director of National Savings Bank (NSB) had resigned and Sri Lanka's post master
general had been appointed and was acting as chairman of NSB until the
appointment of a new board.
Reports outline that only four directors were needed
for a quorum and senior career officers of the bank had been unhappy at the
deal, according to reports.

History of ‘Controversial Deal Temrinator’ turned
Punchi Banda Jayasundera
In addition to the office at the Ministry of Finance
& Planning, Dr. Jayasundera has also held office as Chairman, Public
Enterprises Reform Commission, Senior Policy Advisor, Ernst & Young, and as
consultant to the IMF and the World Bank on country assignments.
Dr. Jayasundera holds a Master’s and a Doctorate
degree in Economics (1984) from Boston University, USA, a Master’s degree in
Development Economics (1979 – 1980) from Williams College, USA; and a
bachelor’s degree in Economics (1973) and Phil Economics (1974) from the
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.