Sri Lanka’s No.1 Leaks site wants to inform readers exclusively with confirmed sources that with immediate effect Buckle Tight Regulator is out from his seat at the Market Watch Dog’s House. "He has submitted his resignation from office today after a Commission meeting" market source told CSE Leaks.
Investors in Sri Lanka view the ‘Buckle Tight’ as the person who brought in the ‘White Flag Incident’ to Colombo Bourse when he first gave a nod to impose a ‘Price band’ to Colombo’s rising stocks. That time some market analysts were in the opinion that Sri Lanka should follow Hong Kong rule of shooting Gunny Bags with the people who were responsible for leading stock market to a crash by ‘Over-regulation.’
With news out in York Street and Janadhipathi Mawatha and Fourth Floor at World Trade Centre Trading Floor market indices shoot up by 127 points (2%) before 1 p.m. on 2 November 2011.