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Saturday, January 29, 2011

No Perera’s for The Finance PLC share issue-Official?

Although, lots of Institutional and a few high net worth investors had applied for recently concluded The Finance Co. (TFC) PLC secondary IPO, A top official from TFC revealed CSE Leaks that none of the Big Time players of Sri Lanka’s stock market had applied to the share issue adding that its only genuine people who have applied to shares.
“No Pereras, its only genuine people who have applied” source from TFC told CSE Leaks.
This in turn resembles according to some corporate community in the country that ‘Perera Duo’ who is bullish in Colombo Stock Exchange apart from their Casino business in the country are not ‘So Genuine’, which is questionable to CSE Leaks.

However on the other hand when The Finance Co. PLC official says that ‘Pereras are not Genuine’ it is arguably questionable whether The Finance Co. PLC’s Founder Chairman, Dickman’s Road Financier Lalith Kotelawala who master minded Rs.26 billion South Asia’s largest ever Financial Scam in Golden Key with Khavan Perera are genuine people in Sri Lanka.

1 comment:

  1. Also, In saw in a parer artcle that so called Perera has told that Lalith Kotalawala gave aloan facility of Rs.150 Mn to purchase 10% NDB shares.
